Communications and Community Relations

The Communications and Community Relations office is responsible for internal and external communication, and for advising and managing the District's external relationships with community leaders, and state and national elected officials. Our office prepares and distributes District press releases, coordinates special District events and activities, and helps ensure visibility in the community. In the spirit of shared governance and transparency, we prepare internal communications and publications to ensure that our campus and Contra Costa County communities are well-informed of District news, activities and decisions.

The District Director of Communications and Community Relations is Jennifer Ortega. Please contact Jennifer at

The Marketing & Communications Coordinator is Marisa Greenberg. Please contact Marisa at or

At the Colleges

College communications and marketing are handled by each college. Press releases, website, and internal college communications are coordinated by the following individuals:

  • Contra Costa College:

    The Director of Marketing and Media Design is Larry Womack. Larry can be contacted at (510) 215-6073 or

  • Diablo Valley College/San Ramon Campus:

    The Director of Marketing and Media Design is Brandy Howard. Brandy can be contacted at (925) 969-2048 or

  • Los Medanos College/Brentwood Center:

    The Director of Marketing and Media Design is Juliet Casey Geary. Juliet can be reached at (925) 473-7322 or

Press Releases

Contra Costa Community College District press releases are available here. Earlier press releases can be obtained by contacting Marisa Greenberg, Marketing & Communications Coordinator at

Police Services

Director of Police, Safety and Emergency Services is Ryan Huddleston (interim). He can be reached at (925) 969-2775 or

Click here to view the Police Services web page.

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