Risk Management - Ergonomic Evaluations

Contra Costa County Schools Insurance Group

The first step in any ergonomic evaluation within the District is to contact the Contra Costa County Schools Insurance Group (CCCSIG) Health & Safety team:

Any District employee who would like to initiate an ergonomic evaluation should talk to their direct supervisor, who can (in consultation with their department manager) contact the CCCSIG team directly to initiate this process without delay.

Individual departments do not need prior approval from Risk Management to request an ergo eval, but can copy the Director of HR (Dan Cueva, dcueva@4cd.edu) on their initial request to CCCSIG, so that the process can be tracked for follow-up.

CCCSIG will work directly with the requesting employee to schedule the evaluation, and will provide a final writtnr to to both Risk Management and the department.

Please note that primary responsibility for purchasing and installing any recommended ergonomic equipment rests with the department, as there are no centrally maintained budgets for these purposes.

If the requesting department supervisor has any questions, comments or concerns about the ergo process, or any subsequent recommendations, they should schedule an appointment with Risk Management (at this link).

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