District Governing Board Ward Boundaries

Following the completion of the decennial federal census, the Contra Costa Community College District (4CD) complied with California Education Code to review the ward boundaries of its elected trustees and make adjustments to reflect the changing population. After receiving the 2020 Census data in September 2021, staff began working with legal counsel to analyze and prepare its ward redistricting recommendation.

The 4CD Governing Board (Board) is made up of five elected trustees representing specified areas or wards of Contra Costa County (County). After reviewing the 2020 Census data, it was determined the County population changes were significant and required further study and analysis to ensure the population of each ward, as close as possible, reflects the same proportion of the total population of the District as each of the other ward areas.

At their November 10, 2021, meeting, the Board received a presentation on how the County’s population has changed over the past decade, and a draft staff report outlining a plan to rebalance the ward boundaries. At their December 8, 2021, meeting, the Board held its first public redistricting hearing to review the staff-recommended map that highlighted how trustee area boundaries could change, and received community input on the proposed map.

The Board decided additional community input was needed and scheduled a second public redistricting hearing on January 6, 2022, to discuss several alternative map options to the staff-recommended realignment map, and hear additional community input.

At their regularly scheduled public meeting held on January 12, 2022, the Board, by four aye votes and one abstention, approved a Resolution on Redistricting, choosing the staff-recommended realignment map.

To learn if the revised ward boundaries affect who is your Board representative, 4CD created a color version of the approved 2021 Adopted Ward Map. In addition, a 2021 Interactive Street-Level Map provides the opportunity to view the approved revised ward boundaries down to the street level. (Depending on your computer, this page may take a few moments to load.)

If you have any questions about our redistricting effort, please send us an email at info@4cd.edu.


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