District Office Classified Senate

District Office Classified Senate Logo

The Classified Senate's purpose is to provide classified staff a formal representative voice before the Governing Board, Chancellor, and other fellow Classified Staff.

Classified Senate Council

Photo of Kristy Myers

Kristy Myers,

Photo of Moises Rocha

Moises Rocha,
Vice President

Photo of Erin Brooks

Erin Brooks,

Photo of Marcie Kapell

Marcie Kapell,

Photo of Esther Pena

Esther Pena,

Photo of Angela Medina

Angela Medina,

Photo of Jeanie Smith

Jeanie Smith,

How to get involved and stay informed:

Attend the Classified Senate meetings. The Classified Senate generally meets once a month and meetings are open to all who would like to attend. All classified employees will receive prior notification of the time and location for each meeting via email. Click here to view Agendas and Minutes.

The Classified Senate is organized to:

  • Participate in the sites governance structure;
  • Provide a body representing the needs, concerns and viewpoints of the Classified Staff other than contract issues;
  • Provide a centralized means of communication between Classified Staff and the rest of the college community;
  • Select from its membership representatives to serve on governance and college committees;
  • Articulate the professionalism of the Classified Staff so that it is properly recognized and valued;
  • Provide an opportunity for enhancing the democratic process of governance, and
  • Provide an opportunity to develop individual leadership among the Classified Staff, as well as increase the professional standards of its members;
  • Promote and support activities that develop or increase the skills, productivity and professionalism of the Classified Staff;
  • Promote the interests of the Classified Staff in the development and formulation of policy and practice related but limited to the following:

    • Selection and retention of administration.
    • Staff development education.
    • Facilities and services.
    • Student/Classified and Faculty/Classified relations.
    • Finance and budget.

Contact Us

Kristy Myers
Classified Senate, President
(925) 229-6860
The Classified Senate reviews institutional policies, procedures, and regulations that may impact classified staff, excluding collective bargaining issues, and through the shared governance process provides recommendations to district administration and the Governing Board. The District Office Classified Senate will also provide cohesive communication to gain mutual understanding with classified staff and other interested constituents with the goal on improving conduct, welfare and growth within the District Office.
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